Muskathlon Event Switzerland 2021

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Support Markus

67 mothers and babies supported out of 10
670 %

project has ended

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Why do I engage in this project

Kinder sind am verletzlichsten in unseren Gesellschaften, sind vor allem in den ersten Lebensjahren zu einhundert Prozent auf ihre Nächsten (meist ihre Mütter) angewiesen und bedürfen leider an so vielen Orten auf dieser Welt speziellen Schutz. Während auch aufgrund von COVID-19 viele ärmere Bevölkerungsgruppen erneut besonders hart betroffen sind, haben wenige in unserer westlichen Welt finanziell von der Pandemie unglaublich profitiert. Das Projekt "Mutter-Kind" von Compassion bietet für mich die Möglichkeit, im ganz kleinen Rahmen vor Ort den Schwächsten auf dieser Welt zu helfen. Eine gute Sache!

Impact so far

Impact image 7 mothers and babies supported by Markus 3 years ago
Impact image 3 mothers and babies supported by Iris 3 years ago
Impact image 1 mother and baby supported by Elvira 3 years ago
Impact image 1 mother and baby supported by Lena 3 years ago
Impact image 1 mother and baby supported by Sara 3 years ago
Impact image 1 mother and baby supported by Aless and Alex 3 years ago
Impact image 3 mothers and babies supported by Alfred 3 years ago
Impact image 3 mothers and babies supported by Meta 3 years ago
Impact image Markus supported this project 3 years ago
Impact image 3 mothers and babies supported by Natalie 3 years ago
Impact image 16 mothers and babies supported by Felix 3 years ago
Impact image 5 mothers and babies supported by Lothar und Elisabeth 3 years ago
Impact image 5 mothers and babies supported by Rudolf 3 years ago
Impact image 3 mothers and babies supported by Katharina und Stefan 3 years ago
Impact image 2 mothers and babies supported by Max 3 years ago
Impact image 2 mothers and babies supported by Niklaus 3 years ago
Impact image 3 mothers and babies supported by Friedemann 3 years ago
Impact image 5 mothers and babies supported by Judith 3 years ago