Muskathlon Event Switzerland 2021

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Support Manuela

22 mothers and babies supported out of 10
220 %

project has ended

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Project owner

Why do I engage in this project

Leider ist die globale Armut im letzten Jahr stark angestiegen. Mit der Teilnahme möchte ich ein Zeichen gegen diese traurige Entwicklung setzen. Ganz im Sinn von einem afrikanischen Sprichwort: "Viele, kleine Leute, die an vielen kleinen Orten, viele kleine Dinge tun, können das Gesicht der Welt verändern."

Impact so far

Impact image 5 mothers and babies supported by Jacqueline 3 years ago
Impact image 2 mothers and babies supported by 3 years ago
Impact image 1 mother and baby supported by Adi 3 years ago
Impact image 1 mother and baby supported by Kathrin 3 years ago
Impact image 1 mother and baby supported by Kathrin 3 years ago
Impact image 3 mothers and babies supported by Caroline 3 years ago
Impact image 3 mothers and babies supported by Albert 3 years ago
Impact image 1 mother and baby supported by Carmen 3 years ago
Impact image 1 mother and baby supported by Alwin 3 years ago
Impact image 3 mothers and babies supported by Augusta und Bernhard 3 years ago