Muskathlon Event Switzerland 2021

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Support Anne-Lise et Alexander

1 sponsored child out of 2
50 %
32 mothers and babies supported out of 2
1600 %

project has ended

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Project owner
Anne-Lise et Alexander

Why do I engage in this project

En participant au Muskathlon, nous désirons faire connaitre Compassion et sa mission et que suite à cet évènement, plusieurs enfants aient un parrain et/ou reçoivent un soutien. Dès aujourd'hui, nous allons nous-même parrainer un enfant du Honduras, pays d'Alex. En plus de le parrainer, nous pourrons le connaître et le visiter quand nous nous y rendrons pour rendre visite à notre famille.

Impact so far

Impact image Emanuel was sponsored by Anne-Lise et Alexander 3 years ago
Impact image 1 mother and baby supported by Laurent 3 years ago
Impact image 2 mothers and babies supported by Pascale 3 years ago
Impact image 1 mother and baby supported by Sabrina 3 years ago
Impact image 1 mother and baby supported by Christophe 3 years ago
Impact image 3 mothers and babies supported by Jocelyne et Marc 3 years ago
Impact image 1 mother and baby supported by Claire-Lise 3 years ago
Impact image 3 mothers and babies supported by Jean-pierre 3 years ago
Impact image 3 mothers and babies supported by Françoise 3 years ago
Impact image 6 mothers and babies supported by Paulette 3 years ago
Impact image 3 mothers and babies supported by BERTRAND 3 years ago
Impact image 3 mothers and babies supported by Noëlle et Gilles-Henri 3 years ago
Impact image 3 mothers and babies supported by Florence 3 years ago
Impact image 1 mother and baby supported by Isaline 3 years ago