Hallwilerseelauf am 10. Oktober 2020

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Support Maranatha

2 sponsored children out of 4
50 %
6 access to toilets out of 6
100 %

project has ended

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Why do I engage in this project

Ein bisschen Überwindung, etwas Anstrengung und viel Training für noch grösseren Impact. 💪🏽 Jedes Chind ischs Wärt!

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Impact so far

Impact image Jimy was sponsored by Benjamin 4 years ago
Impact image Alex was sponsored by Silas 4 years ago
Impact image 2 access to toilets by Tobias und Naomi 4 years ago
Impact image 2 access to toilets by Maranatha 4 years ago
Impact image 1 access to toilets by Jelisa 4 years ago
Impact image 1 access to toilets by Cyril 4 years ago